Oscar’s Baby Photoshoot – 12 Days
I first met Oscar’s Mummy & Daddy at a Christmas party around two and a half years ago. Becky was heavily pregnant and looked like she was ready to pop! And indeed she was, as a couple of days later, earlier than planned, little Noah arrived making his grand entrance on Christmas day no less. At the time, I was busy building up my portfolio of newborn images and looking for little models to practice on, so I was very pleased to be able to offer them a baby photoshoot.
Fast forward and Noah is now a wonderfully affectionate big brother. And Oscar chose to follow his brothers tradition of arriving early too, picking to share his birthday with Prince Archie!
Having family pictures and pictures of Noah & Oscar together was really important to them. Noah is incredibly affectionate with Oscar and loved to give him little kisses. He wasn’t as much of a fan of the camera, which is often the case with 2-4 year olds, but he did enjoy the peekaboo games and as with all kids, Noah turned out to be a little star.
Parent & sibling shots are included in all baby and milestone photoshoots. These shots take place at the start of the session, allowing younger siblings to be taken home by a grandparent or parent. [et_pb_4divi_masonry_gallery _builder_version=”3.23.3″ gallery_ids=”30496,30500,30501,30494″ gallery_responsive=”on” gallery_columns=”2″ title_and_caption_position=”1″ box_shadow_position_image=”outer” text_shadow_horizontal_length=”text_shadow_style,%91object Object%93″ text_shadow_vertical_length=”text_shadow_style,%91object Object%93″ text_shadow_blur_strength=”text_shadow_style,%91object Object%93″ title_font_size_tablet=”51″ title_line_height_tablet=”2″ title_text_shadow_horizontal_length=”title_text_shadow_style,%91object Object%93″ title_text_shadow_vertical_length=”title_text_shadow_style,%91object Object%93″ title_text_shadow_blur_strength=”title_text_shadow_style,%91object Object%93″ caption_font_size_tablet=”51″ caption_line_height_tablet=”51″ caption_text_shadow_horizontal_length=”caption_text_shadow_style,%91object Object%93″ caption_text_shadow_vertical_length=”caption_text_shadow_style,%91object Object%93″ caption_text_shadow_blur_strength=”caption_text_shadow_style,%91object Object%93″ z_index_tablet=”500″ show_title_and_caption=”off” box_shadow_horizontal_tablet=”0px” box_shadow_vertical_tablet=”0px” box_shadow_blur_tablet=”40px” box_shadow_spread_tablet=”0px” _i=”2″ _address=”″ /]
Newborn Photography Sessions
Newborn photoshoots are usually booked after your 20 week scan. I do get very booked up however, and therefore I’m happy to take bookings after your 12 week scan with a 50% retainer with the balance payable after your 20 week scan. If you would like to discuss booking your newborn photoshoot, please do get in touch as I am very booked up for the Summer months already. Further information can also be found on my FAQ page Now taking bookings for November & December due dates.
Sussex based family photography by Louise Ferguson
Studio based, outdoor on location or in your own home
Serving clients in Haywards Heath, Cuckfield, Lindfield, Brighton, Uckfield, Horsham and Lewes