Alexander – 9 Days Old
Alexander came to me with his parents and big brother at my Glasgow studio a couple of weeks ago. The name Alexander means “Defender of Men” and I can see that this name totally suits this wee feisty man. Although on the day of his photoshoot he was more defender of the bottle 🙂
Between 7-10 days it’s common for babies to have a “growth spurt” meaning they will feed more and generally be a little more needy of cuddles. This is why some newborn photographers will leave breastfed babies until after day 12 for their baby photoshoot, which means that they’ll be more settled and content. Alexander was and still is a very hungry boy, loving his feeds and keeping mum & dad on their toes. A great app for tracking growth spurts is The Wonder Weeks!
Despite being a hungry bunny, we got some great images of Alexander both on his own and with Mum & Dad (They’re internet shy so no sharing today) and his gorgeous big brother.

Photographing younger siblings can be tricky, as they don’t always want to play ball. There are a few tricks that we can use, along with bribery too get the images.
I always have a stock of stickers handy, and often younger siblings will be happy to give baby a sticker, which can be made to look like they’re touching baby (and the sticker is removed in the editing process)
If the younger sibling isn’t feeling the love for being near to baby, we photographers will often work our magic by taking 2 separate images. One of baby in a prop and then another of the sibling next to the same prop, sometimes looking in at a dolly or looking for a cheeky raising in the box. Once the image is taken, we magically merge the 2 images together in photoshop.
Luckily big brother was happy to lie with Alex so no need for spells and trickery in this baby photoshoot, although no amount of magic on this occasion would bring hime to give the wee man a cuddle.

After being wrapped up so cosily and enjoying catching some zzz’s for a good while, Alex decided it was time to wake up and all of the fuss and strange lights was just too much to miss so awake he stayed, despite as you can see being very tired!
Wide awake shots are lovely and not that common in newborn photoshoots. Mum and Dad were supper pleased to have these, especially as Alex showed us at the very end just how impressed he was with the whole thing.

What’s Included in the session?
My newborn baby photoshoots are 3-4 hours long and include parents & sibling shots as well as a full family image. The session is styled completely with your input and use of my many props, outfits and accessories is included. Alex’s mum opted for a muted palette with creams, browns and greys. What colours would you choose?
Typically a newborn baby photoshoot will give you 20-25 images to choose from, with 3 different beanbag set up’s and 2 styled prop shots as well as parent & sibling images.
You can find more information of my newborn baby photoshoots by visiting the session page and the FAQ section on my website.
As a UK Photographer I have built a fantastic network of photographer friends and love sharing other photographers work. Kathryn Hill is an outstanding Newborn Photography in Derbyshire. This week she’s written a blog for her clients about all of the fun Halloween activities going on locally. Have a read!
Baby Photoshoots serving clients in
East Renfrewshire, Lanarkshire, Dunbartonshire & Glasgow